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G Type (24") Blk 1' Truss

G Type (24") Blk 1' Truss

Heavy Duty 24" wide x 24" high truss. Compatible with all other Christie G type truss lengths, end plates and corner blocks. Truss mallets and pins are supplied for assembly. 
  • Length: 1'  
  • Finish: Silver vein black powder coat 
  • Dimensions: See downloads section for dwg file 
  • Load Data: See downloads section for pdf file
  • Christie Lites strongly recommends that you engage the services of a licensed engineering professional to analyze complex loading configurations and/or conditions.
Truss with 4 pins: 34.5 lbs


G Type (24") Blk 1' Truss

PDF file icon G Type Truss Report  
PDF file icon G Type Truss Load Table